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DEDJTR Irrigation - Best Practice and Irrigation Technologies

AgVic presentation: Irrigation hydrology update Dec 2016-flow rates, spinner cuts, bay design.

Rubicon videos, demonstrating how different irrigation technologies work

Soil Moisture Monitoring Technology factsheet


Irrigation scheduling

The weekly Irrigation Requirement$ summary, including the interactive spreadsheet tool can be accessed here 

Alternatively you can subscribe to the weekly email service by contacting

What is evapotranspiration and how can I use it to schedule irrigations? Factsheet


DEDJTR Salinity - About, Management and Remediation


DEDJTR Farm Water Calculator


Presentation by Claire Miller - The changing operating environment in the Murray Dairy region: impacts of the MDBP
Aither report
 for Dairy Australia - Water Market Drivers in the southern MDB: Implications for the dairy industry

RMCG report commissioned by the GMID Water Leadership Forum - Basin Plan: GMID socio-economic impact assessment

Goulburn Broken CMA’s Regional Irrigated Land and Water Use Mapping in the GMID 

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