Agronomy Network Meeting 2: Agronomy and Irrigation Research relevant to our region
The Agronomy Network met for the second time in Echuca on Friday 9th December to hear about and discuss past and current agronomic and irrigation research occurring in our region.
The group heard from Agriculture Victoria Senior Research Scientists, Kevin Kelly and Mike Morris, on current and past research in the agronomic and irrigation hydrology space. Also on the agenda was an introduction to the Forage Value Index project by Ron Prestige from Dairy Australia. The session finished with a question and answer session with University of Southern Queensland Researcher, Geoff Cockfield, who was keen to understand the agronomists' perspective on what sustained and improved feedbase performance in the dairy industry might look like for our region. Geoff's work is part of a wider research project across Victoria funded by the Gardiner Foundation.
See below for a summary of the key messages from the day. The full presentations can be accessed here: