Irrigation Scheduling
Rob O'Connor, an experienced Irrigation Officer with DEDJTR works with Accelerating Change on all things irrigation, including...
Accelerating Change setting up for the new irrigation season
Accelerating Change has been busy over the winter months setting up technical extension activities and continuing measurement and...
Accelerating Change on social media
We've been sharing some snapshots from Accelerating Change on social media. follow @Murray_Dairy and the tag #acceleratingchange to hear...
How good is your eye?
At the Stewart PIT meeting in December, the group reviewed the pasture accumulation data and nutritive values for the season so far. The...
Monitoring and Measuring update
The Stewart PIT spoke at length about the data that could be collected on the farm to inform some key management strategies for the...
Monitoring and measuring
Video: the automated pasture reader in action. We've been busy on farm with our project partners, researchers at DEDJTR, testing and...
In development! Monitoring & Measurement Strategy
A key component of the project is the close monitoring and data collection of existing farm performance, definition of business goals...