Agronomy Network Meeting 2: Agronomy and Irrigation Research relevant to our region
The Agronomy Network met for the second time in Echuca on Friday 9th December to hear about and discuss past and current agronomic and...

Irrigation Scheduling
Rob O'Connor, an experienced Irrigation Officer with DEDJTR works with Accelerating Change on all things irrigation, including...

AC farmers look for cross-sectoral learnings at GRDC Moama Irrigated Cropping Update
A number of Accelerating Change participants attended the GRDC Grains Research Update on irrigated cropping in Moama on 28th July....

Open Days, May 2016
Accelerating Change held two Open Days in May, one on each of the project partner farms – the Humphris’ in Tongala and the...

How good is your eye?
At the Stewart PIT meeting in December, the group reviewed the pasture accumulation data and nutritive values for the season so far. The...

Fodder Beets
Chris Delladova from Kober in fodder beat in December There has been significant excitement amongst farmers in the Accelerating Change...